King Oyo Nyimba of Tooro, Becomes a Child Health Goodwill Ambassodor


King Oyo Nyimba of Tooro during the Empango Community Health Event in Fort Portal on 5th May, 2013. The King marched with community members and encouraged them to practice simple techniques like breast feeding and immunization to prevent child deaths

We watched in owe 18 years ago when he was enthroned as the King of Tooro at the age of 3. For this, King Oyo entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest king in modern times. He rules over the second largest Kingdom in Uganda covering 5 districts. World Vision Uganda’s Child Health Now Campaign working in partnership with other Civil Society Organizations requested King Oyo to be a child health Goodwill Ambassador to which he consented.

It means he will dedicate some of his time to advocate for behavioral change practices towards the improvement of child and maternal health; lobby for resources towards this cause; utilize his influence to advocate for improved child well being in Uganda among other things. The King has come of age and he knows the challenges are enormous.

On 5th September 2013, two days shy of his 18th coronation anniversary, King Oyo marched with community members to raise awareness on the challenges of malnutrition in his Kingdom and the country at large. In his speech, he encouraged mothers to practice simple but proven techniques to improve the well-being of children; for example breastfeeding, proper nutrition for expectant mothers and infants; immunization and economic empowerment to reduce the poverty gap #Childhealthnow

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